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Glass Onion: On John Lennon

Welcome to 'Glass Onion: On John Lennon', a podcast deep dive into the music and complex psychology of an icon who lived many lifetimes within his 40 years. The show also looks a contextual look at the time in which he lived and includes discussions with people who knew him and many who have written about him.

By Antony Rotunno

Jan 10, 2021

The conclusion of my talk with David 'Ghosty' Wills about the relationship between John Lennon and Elvis Presley, this time focusing on the 1970s/early 80s period and the unfortunate demise of our two heroes in very different circumstances, as well as discussing their legacies and the public's rather morbid fascination with death


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Past editions of Ghosty's radio show (currently on hiatus)

Clive James Fame In The 20th Century (recommended series)