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Glass Onion: On John Lennon

Welcome to 'Glass Onion: On John Lennon', a podcast deep dive into the music and complex psychology of an icon who lived many lifetimes within his 40 years. The show also looks a contextual look at the time in which he lived and includes discussions with people who knew him and many who have written about him.

By Antony Rotunno

Sep 21, 2019

The conclusion of my talk with renowned Beatles author David Bedford recorded in Liverpool in July. David and I continue the Pete Best vs Ringo Starr drumming discussion as well as more details from David’s books (including his detective novel!). David also attempts to explain the complex legal shenanigans around the Beatles’ initial management contract and the ‘sacking’ of Pete Best. This episode also includes some fantastic clips of drummer Darin Murphy demonstrating and detailing the drumming styles of Pete and Ringo, originally featured on the recommended podcast 'When They Was Fab'.


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episode links:

David's website

Darin’s band’s website and his Facebook page h


Darin's appearance on 'When They Was Fab'

Pete Best interviews the Beatles for a job in 1970! (humorous)

Great Howard Goodall doc on the Beatles’ influence on music (not the Sgt Pepper doc)