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Glass Onion: On John Lennon

Welcome to 'Glass Onion: On John Lennon', a podcast deep dive into the music and complex psychology of an icon who lived many lifetimes within his 40 years. The show also looks a contextual look at the time in which he lived and includes discussions with people who knew him and many who have written about him.

By Antony Rotunno

Aug 25, 2022

Turning our attention from 1968 itself to the Lennon/Beatles events of the year, what emerges is an epic Glass Onion journey into a year that weighed heavily on John Lennon's psyche and the world-famous group that he'd originally formed. The main events include the trip to India, the Apple launch, the recording of the White Album and John and Paul's very tangled and drama-laced romantic lives. And the world meets the phenomenon known as Johnandyoko!


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episode links

Matt's 'Pop Goes The 60s' you tube channel

The Cinelli Brothers website (killer blues!)

Recent podcast from 'Life And Life Only' about creativity and more(a few Lennon mentions!)

Recommended docs about the Beatles and India

John & Yoko on the David Frost show

John and Yoko 'dentist interview'