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Glass Onion: On John Lennon

Welcome to 'Glass Onion: On John Lennon', a podcast deep dive into the music and complex psychology of an icon who lived many lifetimes within his 40 years. The show also looks a contextual look at the time in which he lived and includes discussions with people who knew him and many who have written about him.

By Antony Rotunno

Sep 17, 2022

Jon Stewart, author of 'Dylan, Lennon, Marx & God', makes a quick and very welcome return to the podcast to further discuss Lennon themes from his book. We talk Lennon origin stories, Freudian analysis, Aunt Mimi, Liverpool and the Dylan/Lennon superduo that never was. The last third of the show has host Antony reading a couple of stories about his musical origins and early Beatles fandom


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episode links

A link to Jon's book

Video version of Jon's first appearance on the show

The Beatles With Lacan

'Revolution In The Head' reviewed on the Beatles Books podcast

Aunt Mimi talks about the young Lennon in 1981